Channel: Athlean-XX for Women
Category: Sports
Tags: leg workoutleg workout with dumbbellsat home workouthome dumbbell workoutdumbbell leg exercisesbest leg exercisesdumbbell legs workoutwomens leg workoutdumbbell leg workouthome leg workoutat home dumbbell workouthome leg workout with dumbbellsleg workout for womenlegs workout with dumbbellsleg exercisesdumbbell leg workout at homedumbbell legsdumbbell workouthome workoutdumbbell workout at homeat home leg workoutleg workout at home
Description: The best home leg workout can be found in our MAX/Shred program This dumbbell legs workout is an awesome home leg workout that requires very little equipment. You can follow along doing these dumbbell leg exercises with the instructor. If you find yourself needing extra rest during this dumbbell leg workout at home, feel free to pause the video and take it. The leg exercises in this leg workout at home are designed to hit every part of your legs and glutes. This at home workout should feel like a real challenge. You’ll be doing 2 sets of every exercise in the dumbbell leg workout if you follow along with the instructor. If you are more advanced you can do 3 or even 4 rounds of the exercises in this home dumbbell workout. Either way, whatever your fitness level, this leg workout for women will challenge you. More importantly this leg workout with dumbbells will help you get strong, lean and muscular legs! Here are the exercises that make up this dumbbell leg workout. Remember, if you follow along with the instructor you’ll be doing 2 sets of the home leg workout for a total of a 15 Minute Dumbbell Legs Workout. If you add an additional 2 round you’d be doing a 30 minute home leg workout. 1) Dumbbell Curtsy Lunges (10 each side) 2) Dumbbell Narrow Squat (10 reps) 3) Repeat those two 4) Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (10 reps) 5) Dumbbell Sumo Squat (10 reps) 6) Repeat those two 7) Dumbbell Side to Side Squats (10 reps) 8) Wide Narrow Hop (10 reps) For all the best womens leg workouts and more, subscribe to our YouTube channel